Tittle: O de Obsoleto | Illustration: Joana Rego

Tittle: Odd Friends | Illustrations: Joana Rocha

Tittle: "Se a vida te dá limões faz uma limonada" | Year: 2015 | Editorial Design: Joana Rocha | Maria Barros Silva | Sofia Rocha | Ana Dias
Collaboration: Joana Rego, Marta Maria Ramos, Acácio Santos, João Torres, Angelo Teixeira, Bruno Ribeiro, Bruno Barros, Pedro Figueiredo, Mar Pastor, Bruna Silva, Catarina Gonçalves e Catarina Barros.

Academic Project.
Auto Publication.

The main goal was for students to develop a theorical and projectual approach to the auto publication processes.

The title “When life gives you lemons make a lemonade” translates perfectly the intent of this auto publication. Evokes the question of transformation, reuse, turn something that already exists in something new.

The purpose was to give new meanings to this objects through illustration and design.

The first step was to look at quotidian objects, with certain age and history, and took them out of their environment by taking photos of them with a blank background.

Then introduce the project to illustrators and designers and let them free their minds.