Finding Characters
Starting from some clippings and photo collages came out three characters.
Each with different characteristics and expressions.

Finding Meanings
The collar comes with a new meaning. Symbol of possession, abuse and violence.

Finding a Slogan
The slogan "I need a friend, not an owner" is positioned in the neck area (as if it was a collar).
An animal is not a property or an object, they want to be treated and seen as a friend.

Tittle: SPA - I need a friend, not an owner Year: 2015 | Illustration | Graphic Design: Joana Rocha

Academic Project.

Sociedade Protetora dos animais (SPA) is a nonprofit organization founded in Porto. SPA is currently taking care of 650 animals but urgently need more visibility in order to stop problems such as abandonment, abuses and lack of sterilization. SPA promotes actions in schools, launches appeals and seeks to be present in some events.

Graphic design students from ESAD worked with SPA in order to help transmiting some of the biggest problems through design and illustration.

The main focus of this project was to transmit that adopting an animal requires big responsibility.

Three characters were created with comic and sad expressions with a slogan in their necks: “I need a friend, not an owner”.

Please, be responsible and adopt wisely! | | +351 225 898 090